Did they legalize pot down in Texas??? The guy is stoned or stupid.
no the have not legalized pot down here in Texas for recreational use, and yes, there is a lot of stupid in Texas, when it comes to the CWD TSE PRION disease...I love Texas though, you just can't fix stupid sometimes $$$
Singeltary warning of CWD in Texas and where in 2001-2002 through 2015
Singeltary trying to warn where cwd is at in Trans Pecos region 2001-2002 - 2012
Subject: CWD testing in Texas
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 19:45:14 –0500
From: Kenneth Waldrup
To: flounder@wt.net
CC: mcoats@tahc.state.tx.us
Dear Dr. Singletary,
In Fiscal Year 2001, seven deer from Texas were tested by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) for CWD (5 fallow deer and 2 white-tailed deer). In Fiscal Year 2002, seven elk from Texas were tested at NVSL (no deer). During these two years, an additional six elk and one white-tailed deer were tested at the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL). In Fiscal Year 2002, four white-tailed deer (free-ranging clinical suspects) and at least eight other white-tailed deer have been tested at TVMDL. One elk has been tested at NVSL. All of these animals have been found negative for CWD. Dr. Jerry Cooke of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department also has records of 601 clinically ill white-tailed deer which were necropsied at Texas A&M during the late 1960's and early 1970's, and no spongiform encepalopathies were noted. Thank you for your consideration.
Ken Waldrup, DVM, PhD Texas Animal Health Commission
From: Ken Waldrup, DVM, PhD (host25-207.tahc.state.tx.us)
Subject: Re: CWD SAMPLING TEXAS (but NOT in the obvious place, the NM, TEXAS border)
Date: December 15, 2003 at 3:43 pm PST
In Reply to: CWD SAMPLING TEXAS (but NOT in the obvious place, the NM, TEXAS border) posted by TSS on December 12, 2003 at 2:15 pm:
Dear sirs:
With regard to your comment about Texas NOT looking for CWD along the New Mexico border, it is painfully obvious that you do not know or understand the natural distribution of mule deer out there or the rights of the land owners in this state. As of 15 December 2003, a total of 42 deer had been sampled from what we call "Trans-Pecos", beyond the Pecos River. Mule deer are very widely dispersed through this area, sometimes at densities of one animal per 6 square miles. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department does not have the legal authority to trepass on private property to collect deer. Some landowners are cooperative. Some are not. Franklin State Park is at the very tip of Texas, and deer from the park have been tested (all negative). One of the single largest land owners along the border is the National Park Service. Deer and elk from the Guadalupe Peak National Park cannot be collected with federal permission. The sampling throughout the state is based on the deer populations by eco-region and is dictated by the availability of funds. I am concerned about your insinuation that CWD is a human health risk. We are at a stand-off - you have no proof that it is and I have no definitive proof that it isn't. However I would say that the inferred evidence from Colorado, Wyoming and Wisconsin suggests that CWD is not a human health concern (i.e. no evidence of an increased incidence of human brain disorders within the CWD "endemic" areas of these states). From my professional interactions with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, I can definitely say that they want to do a thorough and sound survey throughout the state, not willy-nilly "look here, look there". There are limitations of manpower, finances and, in some places, deer populations. I would congratulate TPWD for doing the best job with the limitations at hand rather than trying to browbeat them when you obviously do not understand the ecology of West Texas. Thank you for your consideration.
From: TSS (216-119-139-126.ipset19.wt.net)
Subject: Re: CWD SAMPLING TEXAS (but NOT in the obvious place, the NM, TEXAS border)
Date: December 16, 2003 at 11:03 am PST
In Reply to: Re: CWD SAMPLING TEXAS (but NOT in the obvious place, the NM, TEXAS border) posted by Ken Waldrup, DVM, PhD on December 15, 2003 at 3:43 pm:
HEllo Dr. Waldrup,
thank you for your comments and time to come to this board.
Ken Waldrup, DVM, PhD states;
> it is painfully obvious that you do not know or understand the natural distribution of mule deer out there or the rights of the land owners in this state...
TSS states;
I am concerned about all deer/elk not just mule deer, and the rights of land owners (in the case with human/animal TSEs) well i am not sure of the correct terminology, but when the States deer/elk/cattle/sheep/humans are at risk, there should be no rights for land owners in this case. the state should have the right to test those animals. there are too many folks out there that are just plain ignorant about this agent. with an agent such as this, you cannot let landowners (and i am one) dictate human/animal health, especially when you cannot regulate the movement of such animals...
Ken Waldrup, DVM, PhD states;
> Deer and elk from the Guadalupe Peak National Park cannot be collected with federal permission.
TSS states;
I do not understand this? so there is no recourse of action even if every deer/elk was contaminated with CWD in this area (hypothetical)?
Ken Waldrup, DVM, PhD states;
> I am concerned about your insinuation that CWD is a human health risk. We are at a stand-off - you have no proof that it is and I have no definitive proof that it isn't. However I would say that the inferred evidence from Colorado, Wyoming and Wisconsin suggests that CWD is not a human health concern (i.e. no evidence of an increased incidence of human brain disorders within the CWD "endemic" areas of these states)...
TSS states;
NEXT, let's have a look at the overall distribution of CWD in Free-Ranging Cervids and see where the CWD cluster in NM WSMR borders TEXAS;
Current Distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in Free-Ranging Cervids
www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/nahps/cwd/cwd-distribution.html NOW, the MAP of the Exoregion where the samples were taken to test for CWD;
www.tahc.state.tx.us/animal_health/diseases/cwd/CWD2003.gif Ecoregions of TEXAS
www.tpwd.state.tx.us/images/tx-eco95.gif IF you look at the area around the NM WSMR where the CWD cluster was and where it borders TEXAS, that ecoregion is called Trans Pecos region. Seems if my Geography and my Ciphering is correct ;-) that region only tested 55% of it's goal. THE most important area on the MAP and they only test some 96 samples, this in an area that has found some 7 positive animals? NOW if we look at the only other border where these deer from NM could cross the border into TEXAS, this area is called the High Plains ecoregion, and again, we find that the sampling for CWD was pathetic. HERE we find that only 9% of it's goal of CWD sampling was met, only 16 samples were tested from some 175 that were suppose to be sampled.
AS i said before;
> SADLY, they have not tested enough from the total population to
> know if CWD is in Texas or not.
BUT now, I will go one step further and state categorically that they are not trying to find it. just the opposite it seems, they are waiting for CWD to find them, as with BSE/TSE in cattle, and it will eventually...
see more of this history here ;
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/08/texas-tahc-deer-breeder-cwd-permit.html 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) is Now Accepting Comments on Rule Proposals for “Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)” TO: comments@tahc.state.tx.us;
>>> • Delegates authority to the Executive Director to issue an order to declare a CWD high risk area or county based on sound epidemiological principles for disease detection, control and eradication.
IN my opinion, there has been no ‘sound epidemiological principles for disease detection, control and eradication’ in Texas for CWD, or any other TSE. It’s been just the opposite. NOT even speaking about all the risk factors from the cervid game ranch farms in Texas over the years, and trading, and the lax rules and enforcement of said rules there from, the fact that CWD infected deer have been waltzing across Texas for the past decade, in the exact spot I tried warning TAHC back in 2001-2002, i.e. the Texas, New Mexico border at the WSMR area, the complete state of Texas is at risk for CWD, and has been at risk for CWD for years.
*** I propose that Texas, and the Executive Director, should take that authority, and declare the complete state of Texas (not just a high risk area, where the State of New Mexico finally forced Texas to finally test, and finally embarrassed Texas enough to finally do CWD testing where it should have been done 10 years ago), but I believe the complete state of Texas should be declared a high risk area for CWD, until proper testing (in sufficient numbers, in all geographical regions), and tested 100% of all farmed cervids. ...TSS
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2012/10/texas-animal-health-commission-tahc-is.html 2015
re-cwd Texas captives Medina...
more positives from index herd
trace outs there from more cwd positives
I spoke with MASTER Obi-Wan Kenobi about all this.
see Obi’s reply ;
‘’I see no evidence whatsoever here for a genetic link. The numbers are statistically insignificant and co-housing in contaminated facilities would strongly predispose to this outcome.’’
‘’if the father did have a bad amino acid variant allele, it would be diluted to heterozygozity with a normal gene in the half the four descendants since the father never would have survived to breeding age with two bad copies. sort of like met/val at position 129 in humans with greatly lengthened incubation times if prnp is propagating at all. Mutations such as repeat expansion leading to positive dominant infection have not been documented in cervids.’’
On 09 08 15, at 9:09 AM, Terry S. Singeltary Sr. <flounder9@VERIZON.NET> wrote: ‘’
cwd Texas and then there were 4?
genetic link ?
He said 42 deer have been killed and tested since July 28, and three additional positives were the result.
***He added that all four deer confirmed to have the disease were males from the same father, which leads him to believe the problem is genetic.
the silence is deafening by the TAHC TPWD et al $$$
re-cwd Texas captives Medina...
more positives???
trace outs there from
the silence is deafening by the TAHC TPWD et al $$$
UNCUT, UNCENSORED, RAW...I was just venting, but it is what it is $$$
Sunday, August 23, 2015
TAHC Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion and how to put lipstick on a pig and take her to the dance in Texas
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/08/tahc-chronic-wasting-disease-cwd-tse.html Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Chronic Wasting Disease CWD Confirmed Texas Trans Pecos March 18, 2015
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/03/chronic-wasting-disease-cwd-confirmed.htmlWednesday, March 25, 2015
Chronic Wasting Disease CWD Cases Confirmed In New Mexico 2013 and 2014 UPDATE 2015
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/03/chronic-wasting-disease-cwd-cases.htmlTuesday, July 21, 2015
*** Texas CWD Medina County Herd Investigation Update July 16, 2015 ***
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/07/texas-cwd-medina-county-herd.htmlTEXAS DEER CZAR SENT TO WISCONSIN TO SOLVE CWD CRISIS, WHILE ROME (TEXAS) BURNS
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Wisconsin doing what it does best, procrastinating about CWD yet again thanks to Governor Walker
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/08/wisconsin-doing-what-it-does-best.html Thursday, August 20, 2015
chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/2015/08/texas-tahc-deer-breeder-cwd-permit.html chronic-wasting-disease.blogspot.com/ kind regards, terry